Sunday, 4 January 2015


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Dogmas and doctrines, do’s and don’ts
Snuff out the questions, demolish the won’ts.
As mankind battles over an invisible God
Peace is conquered by perpetual discord.

Voices of dissent are smothered, freedom of expression choked
To a set of mindless beliefs our senses hopelessly yoked.
God reduced to an obsession, an idea gone terribly wrong
A thing to possess, a tool to control, with arrogance headstrong!

We’re not even a speck in the mighty cosmos,
Yet with inflated heads and grandiose egos
We stake claim to a divinity we can’t ever fathom.
Faiths fight, Convictions kill and Reason goes numb!

Gone is the simple goodness, there’s more take than give
Lost is the basic kindness, the compassion to live and let live
    While fighting to prove our “own” God right, Humanity we have maimed
Ensnared in devastating inebriation, Divinity we have shamed!

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We’re really all the same!

  We paint goodness white and evil black Black money, black sheep, black mail. Just a colour – so much flak! Through the millennia, acros...